Medical Card
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Medical Card
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Atherosclerosis is thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery. Common risk factors include smoking, high cholesterol & triglyceride levels, low levels of physical activity, diabetes, obesity and eating large amounts of saturated fat on a regular basis.
There is a lot of debate surrounding cannabis and its ability to treat or cause atherosclerosis. Cannabinoids like CBD, CBG and THCV can help regulate blood-sugar levels, and can help treat conditions like diabetes. On the other hand, smoking cannabis may prove harmful for the arteries and cause strain on the heart and lungs. Tinctures, edibles and inhalers may be better ingestion methods for treating atherosclerosis.
Animal Study
Clinical Trial
Double Blind Clinical Trial
Laboratory Study
Total studies
63 studies
26 studies
2 studies
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